Engaging workshop design without the stress

Designing a workshop can be a daunting task. How do you start the session? What activities can you use to bring the content to life? What information should you share?

Imagine if:

✅ You had a workshop blueprint that you could take out every time and use it to plug in your needed to present a new topic, a webinar, or Lunch and Learn

✅ You no longer needed to endlessly search Session Lab for ideas and activities to make your content pop

✅ You could use the same workshop blueprint to adapt your sessions from 60 min - 3 hours.

Because, you can!

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It shouldn’t take you two weeks to design a two-hour workshop

After spending far too much time designing her own workshops, Leanne Hughes, host of the First Time Facilitator podcast and creator of the 2-Hour Workshop Blueprint developed a formula that allows her to create sessions that hit the mark every time.

And she's sharing her secrets with you in her new book. With Leanne's' formula, you'll be able to dramatically reduce the time it takes to design your own workshops.

No more endless searching for the right activity – she'll have you covered with a plug-and-play formula that is perfect for delivering 1-hour, to punchy half-day workshops.

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  • An advance PDF copy of the book, a reminder to download the $2.99 Kindle book (reg. $15) when it’s available on Amazon
  • Early access to all the book’s resources
  • An invitation to attend the book launch debrief meeting (what we did, what worked, and what we would do differently)
  • And my most heartfelt THANK YOU for your continued support!

What do launch team members do?

My goal is 102+ “verified purchase reviews” on Amazon. To achieve that, launch team members receive an “advance reader copy” PDF of the book, so they are prepared to purchase the Kindle version (you don’t need a Kindle to do this) on one of the days it is $2.99 and leave a review.

There are lots of other ways to support this book launch being successful, but that alone would be tremendously helpful. Thank you for signing up! I can’t wait to hear the action you take because of this book.

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